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Common Ankle Injuries in Soccer Athletes

Home · Common Ankle Injuries in Soccer Athletes
The Importance of Single Leg Strength in the Soccer Athlete

By Kayla Kramer, DPT, ATC

From youth to professional, ankle sprains are the most common injury in soccer players.  Ankle sprains account for 20% of all soccer related injuries (Ridder et al. 2016). An ankle sprain occurs when the joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion, causing ligaments to be stretched too far. The most common ankle injury is an inversion ankle sprain.  Soccer players are susceptible to this type of injury due to the specific demands associated with the sport, such as running on uneven ground, cutting, changing speed or direction, or landing from a jump.

Benefits of Prevention Exercises

Recent studies have found that ankle injury prevention  programs in soccer players have a significant protective effect. Preventative programs have been shown to  reduce the risk of injury by up to 40%.  Routinely incorporating preventive exercises into your training program can help to reduce risk of injury, increase strength and power, improve reaction time, increase confidence, enhance game performance, decrease severity of injuries, and lead to quicker recovery from games or injuries.  

Three Main Components of  a Prevention Program

There are three main components that should be included in an ankle injury prevention program

  1. Strength training
  2. Balance
  3. Plyometrics and agility

Strength training can improve ability to maintain proper mechanics through the trunk, hips, knees, and ankles. Stronger and more supportive muscles, from the hip all the way down to the ankle, will reduce stress being placed on the ligaments  of the ankle.

Balance exercises are one of the most important components to include in an ankle injury prevention program.  Balance exercises help players to become more aware of their joint position and improve their ability to react to and manage unusual  and unexpected forces placed on the ankle. 

Plyometric exercises enhance muscle power and improve your ability to react more quickly.  Plyometic and agility exercises improve stability and control in soccer specific activities such as running, cutting, and jumping. 

Please see our FaceBook Live video and YouTube channel for examples of exercises to include in your ankle injury prevention program. Have questions about pain/injury or strength training? Our soccer specialists are here to help. Schedule a free 15 minute screening today. 

Kayla Kramer, DPT, ATC  is one of our soccer specialists at ActivePT and Sports. As a former collegiate soccer player, she is passionate about working with soccer athletes and helping them reach their goals.

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